Smoke and Mirrors

Winner of the prestigious Prix ‪@arselectronica‬ 2024 Golden Nica and premiered at SXSW’24, Smoke and Mirrors by Beatie Wolfe uses art to communicate 6 decades of climate data, specifically rising methane levels, set alongside the verbatim advertising slogans deployed by Big Oil to deny, discredit, and delay climate data and awareness through the decades.

This evocative visualization, based on NASA’s Blue Marble image and produced in collaboration with Parliament, is set to “Oh My Heart”, which was released as the world’s first bioplastic record by Beatie Wolfe, Michael Stipe and Brian Eno’s EarthPercent. Smoke and Mirrors follows Wolfe’s multi-award winning CO2 visualisation ‘From Green to Red,’ which was unveiled at the Nobel Prize Summit and was the largest art piece at COP26.


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