Parliament partners with Anomaly and director Jonas Lindstroëm to create a real world representation of the elegant yet whimsical style of Tiffany & Co. designer and store dresser - Gene Moore.
For Tiffany’s 2024 Holiday Campaign, actress Anya Taylor Joy acts as our visual guide…moving the viewer from iconic locations to iconic location around New York City. Anya was shot completely on an open blue screen set with minimal set structures to interact with. DP Nicolai Niermann carefully created stage lighting to mimic that of a store front, pulling the viewer’s direction and focus to the center of the frame. Parliament carefully recreated this practical setup in the digital VFX world, seamlessly integrating Anya’s on set performance, practically designed set pieces, and digital elements to create and elegant and sophisticated end result.
Carefully crafted and meticulously designed - such as the brand itself - Parliament took care in the layout, detail, and design of all building and structures - which were created fully in CG. The deep backgrounds were designed silhouettes, and played with depth similarly to how they were created in a store window.
Creative Lead and VFX Supervisor James Mulholland notes:
“Our goal was to create the midground and foreground VFX set to have a tactile and hand crafted quality. They needed to feel as though they lived in the scale and space of a theatrical stage. We strategically moved and placed each structure to live in forced perspective. Similar to a theatre backdrop, we needed to create the illusion of space by playing with scale and angles. We wanted the world to have the illusion of being much larger than what is ‘physically’ on stage.”
Parliament carefully recreated the practical storefront lighting in the digital world, (re)built the theatrically designed set pieces in CG, and seamlessly integrated Taylor-Joy’s performance with all digital elements to create and elegant and sophisticated end result.
“Because we were compositing live action,” James notes, “it’s easy to make this world feel silly and unrealistic. The miniature theatre needed detail and refinement to keep it elegant and sophisticated. We had to carefully balance the overall look and create a stylized world that transitions seamlessly and cleanly to our store front reveal in the end.”

VFX Supervisor: James Mulholland
Creative Leads: James Mulholland, Philip Ineno
Creative Team: Alex Koester, Cynthia Soza, Dan Fine, Jay Lee, Lenz Kol, Myong Choi, Ryan Harper, Sean Myers, Taner Besen, Tom Graham, Yuichiro 'Yama' YamashitaPRODUCTION
Production Team: Emma Fleischmann, Emma Hertz, Kat Maidment, Rachel Greco